
Temmuz, 2014 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

8 Stage Spiral of Development


Office of Technology Licensing History - Stanford U.

-- OTL: Conversation Numbers •        8 disclosures received per week (b/w 400 and 500 per year) –       -50% of disclosures are filed as patent applications. –       Some disclosures potentially licensable as copyright or biological materials •        20% - 25% disclosures, including those patented are licensed. -- OTL: Notable Stanford Inventions 1970 - OTL Established 1971 - FM Sound Synthesis ($22.9M) 1974 - Recombinant DNA Cloning ($255M) 1981 - Phycobiliproteins ($46.4M), 1981 - Fiber Optic Amplifier ($48.4M),  1981 - MINOS ($4M)  1984 - Functional Antibodies ($279M) 1987 - Selective Amplification of Polynucleotides ($16.9M) 1990-92 - Discrete Multi-Tone Technologies for DSL ($29.1M) 1994 - In vino Bioluminescent Imaging ($6.5M) 1996 - Improved Hypertext Searching - Google TM ($337M)

Brainstorming Rules: What TO DO and What NOT TO DO..

These two short videos are priceless! They were created by students at the Stanford Design Institute. The first oneshows how NOT to brainstorm and the second one shows HOW to do it effectively. They picked a fanciful problem to solve - saving your chewing gum when you go to class. The worst case example happens all the time. In fact, I was at a meeting last week with people with whom I don't normally work, and we were "brainstorming" about a new program. One person made a suggestion, and someone else literally responded with, "Go shoot yourself." For anyone who has spent any time polishing their brainstorming skills, they know that the FIRST rule is to defer judgment. This was a great, real life example of how NOT to do it. Here is a video summary of what NOT to do: Here is a video summary of what TO DO: IN SUMMARY: - Defer judgment - Capture all the ideas - Encourage wild ideas - One conversation at a time - Build on other p...

Secret History of Silicon Valley


Moore's Crossing the Chasm Model


Business Planing Cycle


Get-Keep-Grow the customers




customer discovery for a web startup


Customer Purchase Funnel


Two Phases Business Framework Model


customer development model


Different types of entrepreneurship

The entrepreneur engages in an innovative activity that results in novel methods, processes and products. Emphasizes the founding and management of a business that builds upon and improves an existing product or service. The imitative venture foundation by an trepreneur who is involved in the rapid dissemination of an innovative idea or process. This person or group finds a novel innovation and transfers it to another environment, region or country. Rent-seeking or profit-seeking... focuses on the use of regulation standards, or laws to appropriate some of the value of a monopoly that is generated somewhere in the economy.

Creative Destruction & Process Renewal

Dynamic capitalism  is the process of wealth creation characterized by the dynamics of new, creative firms forming and growing and old, large firms declining and failing. In this model, it is disequilibrium - the disruption of existing markets by new entries - that makes capitalism lead to wealth creation (Kirchhoff, 1994) Creative Destruction incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, destroying the old structure and creating a new one. - The profit of the new firms is the key to economic growth and progress. By introducing a new and valuable product, the innovator obtains temporary monopoly power until rivals figure out how to mimic the innovation. The forces of entrepreneurship, competition, and globalization have encouraged new technologies and business methods that raise efficiency and efficacy. The business system works to drive out inefficiency and forces business process renewal.

How it understands and uses its total resources, activities, and relationships

First, a firm is clear about its mission and purpose. Second, the firm must know and understand its customers, suppliers, and competitors. Third, a firm's intellectual capital is understood, renewed, and enhanced as feasible. Finally, the firm must understand its environment or context, which is set by society, the market, and the technology available to it.

The firm as transforming available inpıts into desired outputs

Entrepreneurial Capital = entrepreneurial competence x entrepreneurial commitment Intellectual Capital = can be thought of as the sum of knowledge assets of an organization. This knowledge is embodied in the talent, know-how and skills of the members of an organization.

3 Elements of the intellectual capital (IC) of an organization

Human capital (HC): The skills, capabilities, and knowledge of the firm's people Organizational Capital (OC):  The patents, technologies, processes, databases, and networks Social Capital (SC):  The quality of the relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners. IC = HC + OC + SC

5 Questions for the Potential Entrepreneur

Are you comfortable streching the rules and questioning conventional wisdom? Are you prepared to take on powerful competitors? Do you have the perseverance to start small and grow slowly? Are you willing and able to shift strategies quickly? Are you a good deal closer and decision maker? source: technology ventures from idea to enterprise

Elements of the ability to overcome a challenge

Able to deal with a series of though issues. Able to create solutions and work to perfect them. Able to handle many tasks simultaneously. Resilient in the face of setbacks. Willing to work hard and not expect easy solutions. Well-developed problem-solving skills. Able to learn and acquire the skills needed for the tasks at hand. source: technology ventures from idea to enterprise

Required capabilities of the entrepreneurial team

Has talent, knowledge and experience within the industry where the opportunity occurs Seeks important opportunities with sizable challenges and valuable potential returns. Able to select an opportunity in a short period: timely Creatively explores a process that results in the concept of a valuable solution for the problem or need. Able to convert an opportunity in to a workable and marketable enterprise. Whants to succeed: achievement*oriented. Able to accomodate uncertainity and ambiguity. Flexibly adapts to changing circumstances and competitors. Seeks to evaluate and mitigate the risks of the venture. Creates a vision of the venture to communicate the opportunity of staff and allies. Attracts, trains, and retains talented, educated people capable of multidisciplinary insights. Skilled at selling ideas and have a wide network of potential partners. source: technology ventures from idea to enterprise

8 skills of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs initiate and operate a purposeful enterprise. Entrepreneurs operate within the context and industrial environment at the time of initiation. Entrepreneurs identify and screen timely opportunities. Entrepreneurs accumulate and manage knowledge and technology. Entrepreneurs mobilize resources - financial, physical and human. Entrepreneurs assess and mitigate uncertainity and risk associated with the initiation of the enterprise. Entrepreneurs provide an innovative contribution or at least a contribution that encompasses novelty or originality. Entrepreneurs enable and encourage a collaborative team of people who have the capabilities and knowledge necessary for success. source: technology ventures from idea to enterprise

The Entrepreneur Definition

The entrepreneur is a bold, imaginiative deviator from established business methods and practices who constantly seeks the opportunity to commercialize new products, technologies, processes, and arrangements.  (Baumol, 2002) Entrepreneurs thrive in response to challenges and look for unconventional solutions. They apply creativity, create visions, build stories that explain their visions, and then act to be part of the solution. They forge new paths and risk failure but persistently seek success. Entrepreneurs distinguish themselves through their ability to accumulate and manage knowledge, as well as their ability to mobilize resources to achieve a specified business or social goal. (Kuemmerle, 2002) source: technology ventures from idea to enterprise

The Aha Moments - How People Realize What to do in Life?


Tech Entrepreneur Process- Broad View

source: technology ventures from idea to enterprise

Business Model: 9 Building Blocks

9 Building Blocks of a Business Model 1.      Customer Segments – An organization serves one or several customer segments. 2.       Value Propositions – It seeks to solve customer problems and satisfy customer needs with value propositions. 3.       Channels – Value Propositions are delivered to customers through communication, distribution and sales channels. 4.       Customer Relationships – Customer relationships are established and maintained with each customer segment. 5.       Revenue Streams – Revenue streams result from value propositions successfully offered to customers. 6.       Key Resources – Key resources are the assets required to offer and deliver the previously described elements… 7.       Key Activities –  … by performing a number of key activities. 8.     ...

9 block business model canvas


Entrepreneurship - Think Different

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

Waves of Innovation


Bruce Lee & Philosophy


Mobil'de bir Sonraki Trend Kurumsal Pazara Yönelik Çözümler Olacak

Önceki yazılarımdan birinde bunun analizini yapmıştım. Akıllı telefonların belirli teknolojik gelişimi tamamlaması & yaygınlık anlamında maturity kazanması (ABD’de %80) teknoloji şirketini kurumsal alandaki inovasyon & iş/ürün/hizmet süreçlerinde rönesansa doğru hareket etmelerine yol açtı.. (IBM tarafından data analytic, POS çözümleri ile bağlantılar ön görüyorum. Forester Reseach çalışanlarından birisi blog’unda Tim Cook’un perakende de kasayı kaldırmak istediğini bu konuda araştırmalar yaptığını belirtmişti.) http://www.etohum.com/apple-kurumsal-pazar-icin-ibm-ile-isbirligine-basliyor?utm_content=bufferd5561&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Bence, kurumsal tarafta hali hazırda verilen 2g’ye bağlı operatör yetenekleri yerini teknoloji yaygınlaştıkça  dijital hizmet halkalarıyla değiştirecek… Bu bağlamda, operatörlük yeteneği de zorunlu değişime uğrayacak… Communication provider olarak ana rolü ile verebilece...

Key Characteristics of Charismatic Leader: Nelson Mandela, Invictus Movie Scene

  Model Leader Behavior:  Invictus film scene Nelson Mandela invites the rugby team captain Mr. François Pinard. At 0.14, Mr. Mandela thanks captain for his visit and then firstly, he asked the captains ankle injury. Although they never met before, Mandela gives close attention to his guest. Then, at 0.46 Mandela’s maid entered the room for tea servce. As you see, Mandela gives great interest all the persons around him. He introduced Mrs. Britz to Mr. Pinard, then gives thank for the service. We can give these as examples of key characteristics of charismatic leader:  the sensivity to follower needs. Then, Mandela changes the subject, he was trying to create link with Mr. Pinard. While he poured teas, he said that, the English culture bringt South-Africa many beautiful things such as rugby, but the tea is the best thing that they bringt from the culture. I think this shows the characteristics of  unconventional behavior and vision artuculation. Mor...

This is a LONG list of animals and their Meanings!

Alligator - aggression, survival, adaptability Ant- team player, worker Armadillo - active, nocturnal, protection Bat - guardian of the night, cleaner Bear - power, adaptability Bear Paw - strength, mobility Beaver - builder, gather Bobcat - fierce, loner intensity Brontosaurus - harmless giant Buffalo - sacredness, life builder Buffalo Skull - sacredness, reverence for life Bull - strength, warning Butterfly - metamorphosis, carefree, transformer Camel - weary, enduring Cat - independence, grace, healing Cougar - leadership, courage Cow - patience, stoicism Coyote - prankster, insight, playful Crane - solitude, independence Deer - love, gentleness, kindness Dog - loyalty, protection Dolphin - kindness, play, bridge man to ocean Dove-love, peace, gentleness Dragon - wisdom, nobility Dragonfly - flighty, carefree Eagle - divine spirit, connection to creator Elephant - long life, self-preservation Elk - strength, agility, freedom Fox - cunning, provider, int...