With smartphone penetration reaching 133.7 million consumers, a full 52.5% of the U.S. population, mobile is taking over the shopping experience. Whereas desktop computing relegated the internet to access points in our homes and workplaces, mobile adoption, and the explosion of internet connected devices, has brought the web to every moment in our local shopping experience. It’s with us on the train when we remember our toaster shorted that morning; in the store as we compare products; and back home years later when it breaks again. Local search revenues, on the other hand, are skyrocketing, expected to increase annually 10% over the next five years . User-generated reviews and ratings have dramatically improved our ability to determine the quality of a businesses, altering, more than replicating, the consumer’s experience in the local marketplace. Companies like Yext help coordinate the flow of content and information coming from local businesses, then automating...