what is the role of education in: creating societies in which people an deal effectively with public policy issues; creating citizens who can compete effectively in the global marketplace ?

Education is the most important variable that changes the structure of the economical wealth.
For instance, the competitive advantage of the countries in global economy greatly depends on
the education. Illustrate U.S., the government must educate people whom will enhance the business
with new creative ideas that enhance the technology and business. Also, educated person means
qualified workforce therefore, your domestic firms are tend to spend working hours on better
jobs instead of producing agriculture or any kind of product that doesn't have bigger margins therefore,
easy to compete and easy to substitude. (e.g. U.S. have competitive adv. on consultancy and other technological products
due to their global successes and skilled workforce, therefore their education


  1. Manmohan Singh, the prime minister may have put his finger on it:
    ‘It is probably true that we are a slow-moving elephant but it is equally true that with each step forward we leave behind a deep imprint. There is a price that we pay in trying to carry all sections of our people along ... It is perhaps a price worth paying.’
    Hindistan başbakanının alt yapı yatırımları ve geleceğe yönelik planlarını açtıkladıktan sonra durumu özetlediği cümle... Hindistan genç nüfusu ve rekabet avantajlarıyla BRIC ülkelerinden biri olarak "emerging countries" kavramında yerini aldı. Peki bunun temelinde ne var dersiniz. Eğitim. Ülkemizde bir türlü gereken değeri göremeyen, önemsenmeyen kavram. Bu kavram tüm gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ekonomilerin rekabet avantajı yaratmasında yarar sağlayacak, girişimci, küresel firmalarda üstün işlerde görev alan bireyler yetişmesine olanak sağlayacak ve bu bireyler ülkelerinde daha iyi bir gelecek yaratabilmek için ülkeye yön veren insanlar olacak. Ülkenin ekonomisine, sosyal gelişimine ve politik sürecine katkı sağlayacak.


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